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The Kingdom Expo

A virtual, yet multi-environmental space where creative visionaries in the Kingdom of Christ can join together to explore the limitless avenues of music.


Ephesians 5:19-20

The Vision:
Found in Jesus



1.) a large public exhibition of art or trade goods

2.) the action of making public; exposure

3.) a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory.

The Expo, an old name from 2017, arose as an idea for a secular music album for Zhenel, then a short poem book, and was creatively repurposed over the years, for other possible pursuits. After both her and co-owner, JusDevin, submitted their lives to Christ, God reminded Zhenel of the initial name, and gave new insight and wisdom on a long-standing vision; a multi-purposed business and school, aiming to bring God's people closer to Him. Soon after, The Lord brought both her and co-owner, JusDevin, closer together, and after three years of dating, and surrenderance, they bewedded, and chose to share their purpose together.

This platform offers online coaching, teaching administrative, managerial and multiple creative services to those seeking experience in songwriting, building musicianship through different instruments, audio engineering, music production, music business, marketing, and the fundamentals of being a leader and serving God’s people.


Through this company, we want our future team, clientele, partners, and the communities that we serve, to see the Lord’s magnificence, and be moved that they may accept Him and serve Him, wholeheartedly. 


This company is founded from spiritual principles and promises of Jesus Christ. 

The only and best way to live, is to simply serve, Him. 

This is Yeshua's virtual studio, school, network, and more, all in one.

2501 Chatham Rd. #4723

Springfield, IL 62704

©2023. The Kingdom Expo LLC.

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